Saturday, November 04, 2006

Ben's First Halloween

Here's Ben in his Winnie the Pooh costume, Jody tried painting his face, but Ben was so upset we just washed it off. We went to a total of four houses, and he got 4 bags of cheesies. He hadn't had them before, but he just loves them.
First up was Darcy and Liss's house, then Muss and Chris's (friends of ours), Great Grampie's, and finally Grammie and Grampie Jenkins.
How Ben dropped this on top of him without hurting himself is a mystery, he just let out a little squeal, and there he was!! We just had to take a picture!

Here's Ben playing with Darrel Prianti and Sarah McKelvey's daughter Tatum. What a sweetheart! He wasn't too sure about sharing his toys, but they get along great as long as Tatum doesn't hug us. He tends to get a little jealous.
And finally, our cat Whiskey who's taken a liking to Ben's stroller.

Well, that's more than enough entries for now, and i've ran out of recent pictures. Talk to you later............

1 comment:

Madpajamma said...

Hey guys,

Long time no chat. You got some great pics there, I'll have to keep watching this blog. Taker easy.
